Friday, October 17, 2008

My words but not

I like words. It's why I write a lot and am a journalism major. I like the way they fit together and I like thinking of various combinations of them.

But I don't think that all of my words are from me. Ever had a random sentence stuck in your head for no good reason? One that sounds really good or just makes a lot of sense to you? Maybe it's just me, since I tend to think in abstract sentences a lot, but oftentimes deep thoughts seem to pop up out of nowhere.

Anyway, sometimes when I get thoughts in my head like that - ones that pop up seemingly out of nowhere - I like to grab a pen and write them down because I figure they may be important or at least noteworthy. And sometimes I just keep adding to them other words that come to my head, other things that seem to make sense to me.

It's called journaling (journalism? Hmm...)

So here's some stuff that I wrote down in my journal this past (particularly good) Monday... intriguing enough that I felt like sharing in case anybody else feels the same way. I really feel these words and live these words, and I'm thankful for them.


"I'm alive right now. Like, living and loving life... In my heart, in my mind, in my very being I love and am loved.

I like to feel. I like to live. I like to love. And I love life. A life granted and blessed by Jesus Christ. It is beautiful.

Sometimes I think the concept of beauty is the very meaning of life. It is at least the most wonderful thing I can think of.

And this beautiful world deserves more appreciation from me. Satan keeps throwing the pitfalls and despairs of normalcy and simplicity in the way of my path towards life, towards love, towards righteousness. I long to stride across these things and continue to pursue a more perfect being.

I am in love. And I am loved. If this world offered me nothing else, I would still have love, and this love would still offer me joy.

Celebrate the life you live, for there is beauty and there is love.

Praise be to God."
(One result when you type "beautiful" into Google Images)


paul said...

"Ever had a random sentence stuck in your head for no good reason... oftentimes deep thoughts seem to pop up out of nowhere."

HA! Welcome to my world.

Although it is debatable how much I say is deep or profound... but yea, I know what you mean.

This is good stuff btw. I like it.

And I'm guessing you might want to make sure you have image filtering on when you type "beautiful" into Google images. :P

Makella said...

Normalcy.... something I am legitimately scared of, well.. maybe an apathetic normalcy. Good way of putting it, Sam.