Thursday, July 30, 2009

At the "Cemetery Gates"

In October of 2007 I scored front-row seats for me and Katie to see Andrew Bird perform at Stuart's Opera House in Nelsonville, Ohio. To this day, I cite it as one of the greatest performances I have ever been witness to, and Katie and I generally reference it as one of our favorite early memories together.

I acknowledged in my Athens Insider review of the show that it seemed as if an entire orchestra were performed by one man; Bird uses looping pedals and his violin to quite literally create the sound of a symphony. The absolutely immense musical power that he projected from the stage was hair-raising, goosebump-inducing, stunning.

Recently, Bird performed some songs for Pitchfork inside a little church, a performance that the music site filmed and posted to the web, and which they've called "Cemetery Gates." What you will find in the "Cemetery Gates" is a sample of what I saw Andrew Bird do onstage at Stuart's Opera House: create a gorgeous orchestration that is not just musical, but also ethereal and spiritual in some ways (especially considering the five-song-performance's location).

I've posted below the video of Bird's "Cemetery Gates" performance of "Anonanimal," one of my favorite songs off his latest LP, Noble Beast. Enjoy.

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